I have found a new past-time: "The Walking Dead," Sunday nights at 10pm on AMC. It is oddly interesting, although I don't care so much for the smashing in of the zombie heads (too much blood and gore for me). But still, it is entertaining. It is not the most "Sunday appropriate" show, but hater's can hate all they want.
Here are some things I have learned:
1. Rick - he is the man, but going crazy seeing his dead wife and all
2. Daryl - I think he is going to be the new "man," but he is friggin intense
3. Lori - dead wife (she isn't really on the show anymore)
4. Andrea - sleeps with the "bad guys," AKA, she has terrible taste in men; oh! and she may have had a thing with Michonne? I don't really know if that's right..
5. Carl - "Kill Shot" Carl, enough said; Rick's son; killed his mom
6. The Governor - he is missing an eye, sleeping with Andrea, BAD GUY
7. Merle - this dude is the most racist redneck, I really don't like him
8. Hershel - he is just a good guy!!; he's a vet (not a war vet, but an animal vet); missing a leg (he was bit by a zombie so Rick had to cut it off); I hope he never dies!
9. Walkers - AKA, zombies; they can only die by being shot or stabbed in the head
10. Don't get bitten by a zombie!
Also, for Zombie Survival:
- The first thing you need to do when a Zombie Apocalypse happens (because it will!) is clog the drains and fill them with water
- Condoms are also a resource you can use for holding water - they can hold up to 2 gallons! Craziness!
- Load up on Maxi Pads, they are perfect for dressing wounds (absorbing blood - duh?!) and you can even use them for shoe inserts for extra foot support.
- Dental floss can be sued to stitch up wounds and braided together it makes durable fish line - say what?!
See, now you all are ready to jump on "The Walking Dead" band wagon with me! Plus, the show has to be good since there is a a show on after ("The Talking Dead") dedicated to in-depth discussion and analysis of the episode that was just on. AND they recap all the walkers that died in the show (like we somehow forgot how they died). I still need to catch up on the first two seasons so I can really know what's going on - anyone care to join me?!