Monday, March 11, 2013

The Blogging Dead: Arrow on the Doorpost

This week on "The Walking Dead"

This week was kind of a slow episode, especially when compared to last week.  Basically The Governor and Rick had a meeting in which they drank and told sob stories.

So here is the break down of their meeting:

  • Hershel, Daryl, and Rick show up to the meeting place - thinking they are all on top of things and ahead of the game (little did they know, The Governor had already been there!)
  • The Governor tries to look like the calm one, "disarming himself'" - nice idea!  Since he had already been there, he strategically taped a gun to the inside of the table.
  • Then Andrea, Milton, and some other dude show up - but after The Governor, what?!  So of course Andrea has to go barging in on the meeting.
  • Rick has a plan, The Governor doesn't like the plan.  Andrea wants to help, but gets kicked out.  And then The Governor breaks out the whiskey.
Meanwhile, back at the prison...
  • Merle wants to leave and help his brother.  So he loads up some guns but is "stopped" by Glenn.  They get in a fight and Beth breaks it up by shooting her gun (don't waste the ammo!)
  • SEX SCENE - Glenn and Maggie; really romantic with the zombies and all.
  • Merle tries to convince Michonne to go with him and save the day.  But she doesn't - PHEW!
Now, back to the meeting...
  • The Governor and Rick are now sharing sob stories about losing loved ones during the apocalypse - hello! who hasn't lost someone?
  • Zombie killing rampage.  Daryl, random guy, and Andrea save the day.  Daryl and random guy bond for a bit over a cigarette. 
  • Obviously getting Rick drunk wasn't working, so The Governor pulls "the eye" routine and demands the Rick give up Michonne (seeing that she is the one who stabbed him in the face and all.)  
Meeting adjourned!  They never did come to a real agreement; they both have ulterior motives so all hell is going to break loose at some point.  But rick returned and only told the prison people his plan, not The Governor's demands.  Except Rick did tell Hershel - he can trust him, he is a good guy!  The Governor though has a completely different plan, which he happened to share with his right hand man Milton (FUN FACT:  Milton is Alicia's gay brother on "The Good Wife").  Pretty much there is going to be a massacre and Milton doesn't agree!

Will Milton side with Andrea?  Will Andrea choose to side with Rick?  Can Andrea convince the people of Woodbury that The Governor is a sociopath?  Will Rick give up Michonne?


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